Lamb Chump Chops
I'm forever googling recipes and I came across one very similar to this one and it was delicious so I decided I wanted to make it again.
but after lots of google searches with no success and I tried and tried but I couldn't find the recipe I was after!
So I ended up making it from a vague memory and came up with this one and it was perfect easy and great for using up the heels of a loaf
LFK Scotch Lamb Chump chops
2 slices of bread
1 zest of a lemon
1 dessert spoon whole grain mustard
1 dessert spoon maple syrup
1 dessert spoon of balsamic vingear

preheat oven to 180C
Put the bread into a food processor to make breadcrumbs
pop the breadcrumbs in a bowl
add the lemon zest, whole grain mustard, maple syrup and balsamic vinegar and seasoning to the breadcrumbs and mix altogether
Pop the chump chops into an oven proof dish and cover with the breadcrumb topping
pop into the oven for 20 to 25 minutes
serve with seasonal roast vegetables and enjoy!